Recipe of the Week – 7th April 2014 – Courgette and Aubergine Lasagne


I thought that I would try something a little bit different on the tried and tested veggie lasagne recipe, and this is the result – It was a bit like a cross between a lasagne and moussaka due to the layer of aubergines, but for me that is a good thing! My previous attempts at creating an authentic white lasagne sauce have been disappointing, so I cheated and used ready made, although the ‘red’ layer was made from scratch.

Serves 4


2 large aubergines, cut into 10mm slices
3 large courgettes, cut into 10mm slices
8 tbs olive oil, plus a little for greasing
2 x 400g tins of good quality chopped tomatoes, or same quantity Passata
Small handful fresh basil leaves, roughly torn
300g fresh pack lasagne sheets
400ml white lasagne sauce
75g mature cheddar cheese, grated


1. Preheat the oven to 200C.

2. Batch fry the aubergine and courgette slices until lightly brown and set aside.

3. Lightly oil an ovenproof serving dish then arrange a layer of the aubergines on the bottom, then pour over one of the tins of chopped tomatoes. Scatter with a few basil leaves, season, then top with a layer of lasagne before pouring over half of the white sauce. Repeat, starting with the courgette slices until you have two full layers.

4. To finish, spoon remaining white sauce over the pasta, making sure the whole surface is covered then top generously with the grated cheese. Bake for approximately 45 mins until bubbling and golden. Serve immediately with garlic bread and a fresh green salad.


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